I’m an Assistant Professor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies at the School of Civic Life and Leadership at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I’m a political theorist with a wide range of research interests including classical and modern republicanism, liberalism, Catholic and Islamic political thought, contemporary just war theory, and political rhetoric.
My first book, Natural Law Republicanism: Cicero’s Liberal Legacy, explores the Roman origins of early-modern liberalism and the American Founding. My next book manuscript examines power and danger of what I call hortatory rhetoric in the thought of rhetorical theorists from Augustine to Frederick Douglass.
In addition to my book projects, my work has been published or is forthcoming in the American Journal of Political Science, Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Perspectives on Political Science, European Journal of Political Theory, History of European Ideas, Philosophy and Theology, Polity, Polis, and The Journal of Military Ethics.
Email: mchawley@uh.edu